
A big shout out to

A big shout out to my Internet connection at the moment. I’m in

an athletic field next to a Catholic school chowing down on wireless bandwidth. This wireless thing is kinda cool. I guess I feel like I’m sort of invading his privacy though sneaking out through his Internet connection and I don’t even know the guy. I made it to Portland. I’ve learned that heavy fog, snow and night time through the Rocky mountains in Wyoming can be a lot of fun. When you get about 1/5th of a mile away from a car you make out their lights. They look like they are just floating because you can’t see anything but their lights. It’s a cool effect. The only way I could distinguish between oncoming and outgoing traffic is the color of the light. Oh and 17 degrees with a wind chill of 1 degree in Wyoming is a helluva lot more comfortable than 35-40 in Portland. I’ll take a “dry” cold any day of the week. The trip so far hasn’t been what I had hoped. I haven’t had the conversations with folks that I usually have. I can’t seem to find the zone where my thoughts take on a life of their own and surprise me. I’m hoping that the trip back through Oregon, Nevada and Utah will jolt me back into that mode.