
A week ago I installed

A week ago I installed tomcat and cocoon on my machine at work. This week I installed dbxml and started rewriting my comments so that they are totally java/xml based and none of this perl nonsense. I’ve succesfully rewritten things (with a kludge here and there) but now I can store all the comments in an NXD (native XML database) which is trés cool.

The keyword here is rewritten. I’ve now written the comment system from scratch twice, each time learning better ways to do things with java and xml. Welp, I just started on my third rewrite (or should I call it code refactoring) and I’m hoping that this is the last friggin’ time. Sometimes I wish I wasn’t so stupid.

For the cocoon-curious among you, in my third rewrite I’m implementing the comment system as a logicsheet now that I understand how to write one.