
Add N to (X) is shway

A pleasing musical diversion came my way in the form of Josh’s May mix of the month.

The first track is a rocking song from Add N to (X) called Metal Fingers in My Body. It’s an interesting mix of musical styles.

I’d never heard of them before. They are a trio from London. Looking around on their website I learned that they built an interesting musical installation. It consists of a theremin (that spooky sounding instrument that creates sound when you pass your hands through the air around it and disturb the magnetic fields) and a bunch of finches. The birds fly around inside and unknowingly manipulate the theremin to create sounds.

In what is clearly a freak of nature, neo-prog rockers Hawkwind had them as “special guests” for one of their shows. That’s like loser Rush clone Pendragon having The Faint for a special guest.

I will post mp3s once I have them.