
After a weekend of much

After a weekend of much fragging in Unreal Tournament I finally returned to working on Dave’s blog. I’m surprised by the fact that the more I work on it the simpler it seems to put together. I was also able to drag and drop my existing comment system into his blog and it worked the first time. The only problem is that he has almost a whole year’s worth of blogs and they have some XML unfriendly markup in them. As Blogger has no way to programmatically grab blogs I think I’m going to have to edit each blog by hand and clean them up. It’s not hard at all, it’s just tedious. At least I’ve already done the first 10, only 20 to go.

I’ve happily figured out a nice way to start parsing HTML tags so now my blog can include HTML tags like b, i, em, a and so forth in it. Well it will when I add the new rules to my XSLT files.

Once I get Dave’s blog done I’m planning on writing something to sync my blogger entries with livejournal, as well as livejournal’s commenting system. No free publishing system will be spared from my vanity!