

I just got back from seeing the last show of Godspell at the VBC Playhouse. I went in not knowing anything about the story. I was invited by a friend that performed in it.

I suppose there is some cosmic irony in me, an unbeliever, watching a musical about the Gospel of St. Matthew (my namesake even) on a Sunday. I wasn’t the only unbeliever. I saw a “Who is John Galt?” bumper sticker on a car in the parking lot.

One more cosmic joke is that I was seated front row center with only a railing between me and the performers. As someone who relishes the quiet moments of pious reverie that I find in a good movie theater this was quiet the opposite.

The final joke is that at the end of the second act I’m pulled onto the floor to join in the dancing. A terrifying, but exhilarating, moment that I shall try to not reflect on too often should the silliness of my whirling dervish routine cause me to die of embarrassment. Thankfully Christina rescued me and danced me about till the song ended. I made little cartoons of my anxiety in the program between acts.

The performers obviously were enjoying themselves a great deal. A few of them had really great voices. None of the pop culture references fell flat. A testament to the performer’s good delivery. It was wonderful to see people doing what they wanted to be doing and see the community show up to support it.

It turns out I’d seen it before. Memories of bible camp immediately returned when I saw the set and the colorful hippie Jesus. I’m pretty sure this time it won’t fade from memory like that one. Listening: Vanya - Eric Bogle Feeling: bemused