
Calgon Take me Away

Let us bring to all Americans who struggle with drug addiction this message of hope: The miracle of recovery is possible, and it could be you, I can’t find the full text of the 2003 State of the Union but I do recall him saying that faith is the best way to treat drug addiction. Not quite right, Schick Shadel uses aversion therapy and has the #1 success rate. They even won the right to say this in court after they were sued for using it in advertising.

To boost investor confidence and to help the nearly 10 million seniors who receive dividend income, I ask you to end the unfair double taxation of dividends. Boost investor confidence? I may be going out on a limb but here goes “Companies will continue to do stupid things and thus not be worth investing in even after this tax cut.” Also it’s not double taxation. You have two legal entities here, the corporation and the investor. This is why you can only sue a corporation and not the investors. Think of it this way. If you drop the wall between corporation and investor for taxes, then you must bring it down for liability. BTW, 94% of those “10 million seniors” earning dividends are in the top 20% tax bracket. So the 6% who represent the rest of us will get on average $83.

I have sent you a Healthy Forests Initiative, to help prevent the catastrophic fires that devastate communities, kill wildlife and burn away millions of acres of treasured forest. “Healthy Forests Initiative” == increased logging and road building. I picture Orwell turning in his grave over this Newspeak.

All told, more than 3,000 suspected terrorists have been arrested in many countries. Many others have met a different fate. Let’s put it this way – they are no longer a problem to the United States and our friends and allies. (Applause.) I can’t imagine a speech writer writing this. He must have ad-libbed this infantile remark.

I cringed every time he said “new-queue-lar.” Can you say “e-pen-the-sis”?