
Call me grumpy old man...I

Call me grumpy old man…I just sent this off to

What happened to the great selection of movies that Netflix used to have? Two years ago when I first started renting from Netflix the only reason I might not find a movie here is that the title wasn’t on DVD. Now I’m finding more and more movies that are available on DVD but I can’t rent them from Netflix. Case in point, a fairly mainstream movie like The Stunt Man (3 Oscar nominations) isn’t available. A recent theatrical release like The Sticky Fingers of Time, while available on DVD, is nowhere to be found in my searches on Netflix. As proof of Netflix’s original diversity I can still find titles like Salo or Arabian Nights but now they are unavailable for rental.

So my question is, will Netflix’s selection continue the downward spiral till it is a clone of my local Blockbuster or will it return to the original diversity that drew me to the service in the first place?