
"Don't get cocky kid"

I knew things were going well when a cabbie motioned me over and gave up his spot in front of city hall, and the meter had over an hour left on it. Dallas cabbies earned quite a bit of good karma with that movie.

I had prepared a bunch of notes for my hearing about a red light violation. I was looking forward to dazzling the hearing administrator with my defense.

  • HB 922 had been made effective four days before my violation. It outlaws automated traffic control systems by municipalities at highways.
  • I was ready to request a continuance while I sought calibration records for the red light camera to make sure it really was accurate down to 0.16 seconds.
  • I was also going to get the details about traffic light height requirements in relation to road incline, I think mine may have been too low.

I had still more questions to present.

But all for naught because after about 20 minutes of waiting in the hall the hearing administrator came out and said my violation was dismissed. The disposition is “OFFICER ERROR” and I’m not liable because I was already in the intersection when it turned red.

I’m excited it was dismissed but a little let down I didn’t get my Hollywood courtroom showdown.