
ever coylyeyedaloofah?

I saw Dawn of the Dead tonight. Not quite the fun ride I got from 28 Days Later, and in fact many shots in Dawn of the Dead felt copied from that film. Still it had some funny moments. Sort of a Canadian version of 28 Days Later.

Afterwards David and I went to Krystals since I hadn’t eaten and they were open. I finally brought up Kathy. I’d wanted to from the first time I saw him but I was afraid of his reaction. Nothing bad happened. I’m glad I didn’t cry. I kinda feel he’d look down on me for that.

I was surprised to hear him say that things happened the only way they could, that it had a certain inevitability to it. I hope I didn’t infect him with my guilt or frustration. We both agreed that she set the bar very high as far as personal relationships go.

If I’ve gotten one thing right in my life it is that I have surrounded myself with people better than me. Listening: Living in the Past - Keith Emerson