
Ever wonder if you're really

Ever wonder if you’re really alive? What do the coincidences in your life mean? Do you struggle against breaking the world down into binary models like good or evil, fear or love, on of off? If God knows everything, then everything is mapped out already right? What’s the point in just walking through God’s movie script? While we are connected to others in many diverse ways, what’s the base connection, the prime mover that connects us all? Does God only exist so long as we exist? Voltaire said “If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.” Certainly not a new question, but then if it’s all mapped out anyways new is a relatively useless term. Anyone want to tell the patent and trademark office that nothing has ever been invented, just discovered?

Just a few thoughts from Donnie Darko, a 6 foot tall rabbit named Frank and Roberta Sparrow. I’m still putting together all the pieces from this “Holden Caulfield filtered through the paranoid sci-fi consciousness of Philip K. Dick” story.