
Get Ya War On!

Have you guys checked out IAO yet? That’s the new Information Awareness Office, complete with freakin’ illuminati logo and a globe focusing on north east Africa, and mid to east Asia. As if those countries didn’t have enough to be paranoid about already? But that’s not the funny part, they picked John Poindexter to head the thing. (Remember him, he was convicted of lying to Congress and illegally funding a war, but that’s not important now.)

It gets funnier though. This is the same government that already has more information than it knows how to handle. So they build this new thing to gather even more data, except it’s not limited by stupid fourth amendment rules about going after US citizens because a special secret court that is not accountable to anyone said “It’s okay.” Who installed these fascist assholes into power? Oh that’s right, the Republican Supreme Court, because Bush lost the popular vote.

What’s disappointing is that a lot of the technologies are kinda cool and have non-military uses. The government should fund the general development of these technologies and let the military adapt them for their specialized needs. That’s what a reformer with results would do.

[And breathe.]