
give me space

I’m already missing the great plains in North Dakota and Montana. I’ve only got pictures to keep me company for awhile. I’ve got pictures of the world’s largest metal sculptures along the “Enchanted Highway” in North Dakota, Pompey’s Pillar, cemetaries at Little Bighorn and various plains in Montana.

I watched amazing storms pound away at the earth while I was miles away. I saw fires spring up from the lightning beating the ground over and over. These storms looked like giant jellyfish in the skies. You had the umbrella of the jellyfish fill the sky, and then a wall of clouds falling to the earth where the tentacles would be. Lightning struck all around the jellyfish and sometimes I could see airplanes flying in and out of the clouds.

The people were so nice everywhere I went. Although I’ll never forget how awkward I felt after visiting Little Bighorn and then getting gas at the Crow Indian reservation that surrounds it.

I like all the space. You can run a lot further without having to stop. Although I think doing it for stretches of say 2-3 months would be all I needed to recharge for awhile. Listening: Yellow Hedgerow Dreamscape - Porcupine Tree Feeling: wistful