
Help get this movie seen

I was driving the five minutes it takes to get home and listening to All Things Considered today when this great interview came on. It was about a woman, Liz Yuan, who saw a movie at the Toronto Film Festival that she loved. Sadly it’s a small Greek film that did not find a distributor at the film festival. But she loved this movie so much, and wanted others to feel what she felt, that she created a distribution company to get the movie shown in the US. She is a film buff, not someone in the business.

I couldn’t stop smiling and crying as I listened to Liz Yuan talk about how much she loved the movie and why people should see it. Her love for the film is immediately evident from the interview. She talks sort of fast at points. You can hear her admiration for the film bursting from inside her. I thought it was cute when she said “When I say ‘we’ that’s my habit. I say ‘we’ because I don’t like to advertise how small my company is…It’s like me, myself and I and then some friends.” I felt silly because my eyes teared up I was so excited. How many times I’ve thought “Oh this is so good. How can I get more people to see it.” I never decided “Welp I’m gonna distribute this film in the United States and setup Oscar and Golden Globe screenings.” I was moved, and for a moment the world seemed like a perfect place.

I immediately went inside and emailed her through the movie’s website offering up a few ideas and pledging my support. Even reading her email in response to my queries she has that same unbridled enthusiasm. I made an mp3 [1.04MB] of the interview from the Real Audio of the NPR interview. Listen to it and help get this movie in theaters. Listening: Love Theme From “Come See The Paradise” - Randy Edelman Feeling: awed