
Here comes a blast from

Here comes a blast from the past. Before we had blogs BBSes and ezines fulfilled the same sort of need. I thought I should offer up a tribute. This is the story of one such ezine that captivated the nation and was eventually made into an animated feature: “The Brave Little Toaster.”

One of the most important ezines to emerge since the Teapot Dome Scandal

Well, to be honest,
-Marshall McLuhan

I can think of no other texts that serve as a canonical history of the Huntsville, Alabama BBS scene circa 1993 like PuD. It emerged as the brain child of Baphomet the Limbo King and No Courier. Eventually guest writers contributed segments to the various issues. A few issues of PuD even showed up in a special non-HTML hypertext format long before the web came about. It was a true testament to the power of the written word. A cult of sorts grew up around PuD and close friendships were formed. It had inside jokes that were so inside nobody got them.

Highlights of the run include “Edlin Pro”, “Anatomy of a Krystal”, “How to steal a toaster”, the kidnapping w/guest writer Hymie, “The triple q” and numerous ASCII pics of Mooga the whale.

PuD Disclaimer The opinions, views, ideals, and tasty canned soup recipes expressed in this T/FiLE are expressed without intention of execution. The authors, editors, and contributers to this file, as well as all of the K-RAD/[PuD], ACA, PGA, and [rs] members, assume absolutely N0® liability for your personal stupidity.