
Here it is the forum

Here it is the forum for everyone to get all your bitching in about what’s missing in your publishing experience. What does blogger not do that you wish it did? I’ll even start this off with a list:

  • Topical/Category based archives- Ability to preview stories in your template before publishing- Ability to post multiple stories but only publish selected stories- Ability to publish stories to multiple places like blogger and livejournal- Ability (like livejournal has) to make public and private (friend’s only) postings- Ability to look at coments inside news reader or folder inside mail reader- Ability to publish straight from like a text editor, photoshop, quark, ms word, etc. straight into a story instead of using blogger textarea forms This is just ideas rolling off the top of my head. Does anyone know of stuff out there that solves these problems in a nice way? Does anyone have things they would like to see solved? I’m toying with the idea of building something that wraps around blogger that adds these features in but leverages blogger. Obviously feasibility isn’t that important here, just that it be a real problem you need solved.
  • Topical/Category based archives- Ability to preview stories in your template before publishing- Ability to post multiple stories but only publish selected stories- Ability to publish stories to multiple places like blogger and livejournal- Ability (like livejournal has) to make public and private (friend’s only) postings- Ability to look at coments inside news reader or folder inside mail reader- Ability to publish straight from like a text editor, photoshop, quark, ms word, etc. straight into a story instead of using blogger textarea forms This is just ideas rolling off the top of my head. Does anyone know of stuff out there that solves these problems in a nice way? Does anyone have things they would like to see solved? I’m toying with the idea of building something that wraps around blogger that adds these features in but leverages blogger. Obviously feasibility isn’t that important here, just that it be a real problem you need solved. This is just ideas rolling off the top of my head. Does anyone know of stuff out there that solves these problems in a nice way? Does anyone have things they would like to see solved? I’m toying with the idea of building something that wraps around blogger that adds these features in but leverages blogger. Obviously feasibility isn’t that important here, just that it be a real problem you need solved. Leia’s cute pooch Gracie will be taking care of all the coding on this project. So unlike things I work on this one will actually get done. Okay time to go to sleep before I start saying weird stuff. W00t, it’s way past my bed time.