
How many times have you

How many times have you had to listen to the obnoxious people scream “Free Bird” when you go to see a band? Chances are it’s every time you’ve seen a band. How many times does the band ever play the song? NEVER, unless it’s Lynyrd Skynyrd or Built to Spill. Yes, they closed out the night and their tour with a cover of “Free Bird.” They’ve done this before apparently. This was after they played a cover of Cheap Trick’s Dream Police and a few other covers in their set. I enjoyed their performance but I would have chosen a different set.

One of the bands that opened for them is a local Dallas band called Polyphonic Spree which consists of no less then 25 members. They were all on stage, more or less. They were all dressed in white robes and many of them rocked out on a stage. One has to wonder if all of them had gotten as into it if the stage would have collapsed. If you listen to the samples off their web page imagine those played with more ferociousness, energy, and speed. About 12 of them are in a choral section and the rest play a variety of intruments (Klaus where are you they had a French Horn?) including my personal favorite, a theremin.

I saw Amanda, and Josh tonight. Those two have heard a lot of music. I’m such a babe in the woods compared to them.

Tonight also wins for the longest night of music I’ve had in awhile. The first band went on around 9:30 or 10pm and BtS finished at about 2:10am. I feel like I need a t-shirt that says “I survived the music.” Damn, I smell like an ashtray.