
I didn't quite make it

I didn’t quite make it to Nashville today. About 2/3rds of the way there I become overly concerned with my cars timing belt snapping so I headed back. I’ve really got to get that thing fixed this monday before I head to Atlanta to go see Radiohead. It looks like I have three extra tickets that I have to figure out something to do with before then since Tanna and Damon didn’t call me today. I came back to Huntspatch and went over to Michael’s house and we played BG2 a little bit and talked most of the time.

On the way out of town to go to Nashville I had this weird idea. I thought I would call Ryan and show her what I do when I travel. She, along with other people I know here, needs to get out of this place and experience more of this great planet. I don’t know why anyone is timid about traveling within North America. At any rate, I called Ryan but she had to study for her history test on monday. While I was traveling up I-65 it hit me that Chicago is only 500 miles away, it’s closer than Dallas and I’ve never been there. I could be there in seven hours no problem. I think after the Radiohead show in Atlanta I need to take a trip to Chicago. Now how to do that when I don’t have any money is the real question here. I think this just might be an ask questions later type deal.