
I now have a basic

I now have a basic commenting system that people beside myself can post to. Also my fellow bloggers can easily turn it for their own blogs by just dropping a new tag into their blogger templates. You want to know what the hardest part was, the piece that displays things like 12 Comments or Post Comment. I ended up jumping into Cocoon’s XSP stuff and wrote a couple Java one-liners. Now that everything is over I need to go through some re-factoring and tighten it up and simplify it. Also I need to wipe out the two perl scripts that I hacked together for saving comments.

All of this work over the weekend has really made me appreciate how cool Cocoon and XML/XSLT truly are. I need to write an article for my article section which goes into all the things that make actually work. I don’t think it has ever been easier to avoid duplicating work on a site before. Cocoon makes it so incredibly easy to reuse the stuff you’ve already written.