
I read an article about

I read an article about google’s new search capabilities and how it turns up private information on people now. I always find such articles laughable but I decided to vanity search on my name at google and OMG, I wish I had read this back in 1996.

FROM: Jordan K. Hubbard
DATE: 05/25/1996 01:30:27
SUBJECT:  How to write "tutorial" docs for FreeBSD. Maybe I`m just easily impressed, but I`ve found:

By Matt Midboe to be an excellently written tutorial on using MH.
It balances descriptive text with real-world examples, all organized
into a very approachable framework.

This isn`t just to say kudos to Matt Midboe, this is also to point
out his tutorial as an example of how I think a lot of our other docs
_should_ look like, rather than do.. :-)


Jordan Hubbard is one of the people I look up to. Whenever anyone says anything nice about some piece of code I’ve written I always think about how much better it would be if Jordan Hubbard had worked on it. He is a force of nature in the way other programming gods like Richard Stallman or Jamie Zawinski are. I don’t mean that all they do is write great code, it’s more than that. What sets them apart is that they see the world slightly skewed and have new and novel approaches to solving problems.

I find it apropos that I’ve never emailed him to explain my admiration, and that he never emailed me his complementary message as well.

I feel like I should just replace the whole of my resume with JH’s email.