
I was in Carlin, Nevada

I was in Carlin, Nevada this past Easter when I was pulled over by a town policeman. Considering the obscene amount of driving I do this is not really an unusual occurrence for me. What shocked me is that he had a wireless microphone attached to his uniform, tiny video cameras in his car and in general he was every gadgeteers wet dream. Oh and the fact that he didn’t give me a ticket even after telling him twice I did see the speed limit signs and I still didn’t slow down fast enough because my mind was on other things.

Carlin is a tiny, tiny town with most likely a tiny, tiny budget for law enforcement and they still had kick ass toys. Is law enforcement the way to go for those of us yearning for cool computers in our cars? Just like all technology, law enforcement toys break too. The new MPH Industries Bee III radar detector/detector doesn’t even work. It’s supposed to stealthily detect radar jammers but in doing so it breaks the radar guns ability to read speeds accurately. (But you don’t learn this unless you read the manual)