
I went to my second

I went to my second ever Dallas Stars game last night. This time it was at the new American Airlines center. Leia scored two kick ass tickets and parking passes. I was about eight rows back from the glass, Row H, Seat 8. Sadly I got to see my team the Nashville Predators get blanked in a 3-0 whooping by the Stars. I gotta love the Predators though, they are one of the hardest working teams in the league and they get production from all four of their lines because they don’t have any star players. However, last night was not one of those nights.

I had expected more security as I believe we are still on this vague “high alert.” However, they didn’t appear to have visibly stepped up security. I’ve got to be honest my life feels little changed by the incidents of 9/11/01. I don’t watch TV so the terrorists didn’t pre-empt my television shows. I get my news online so it’s been filtered and packaged in pretty much the same way as always. I haven’t given up any conveniences. I’m not filled with rage and anger at some “new” enemy. I feel compassion and sympathy for those suffering at home and abroad as always. I still feel the same mix of slight disappointment and ennui with my government, but like Scooby Doo and the gang they will make their silly mistakes and stumble through in the end when it all counts.

Perhaps, most importantly, I still feel that I have the same opportunity to excel and make my mark that I had when I was younger and first realized I could do whatever I wanted.