
I'm fooling around with some

I’m fooling around with some ideas I’ve got about decay versus freshness. I want each entry to decay and fade from view after someone has read it. (I made a test page that did that using cocoon2 but I’m going to write a new one that’s all javascript based) Just like in real life I wanted to have a force to counter decay. Thus I’m playing around with this idea of entry freshness. The longer groups of people dwell on an entry the fresher that will make it and thus bring the entry from ruinous decay. At the moment I am just calculating dwell time.

Right now the way I calculate what entry you are reading needs to be tweaked, a lot. In my test page it worked pretty well but with the real page it’s way off. I’m also thinking I might have some fun with the freshness…like the longer you dwell on an entry the larger its font size gets, and the smaller the other entries get, or maybe play with colors or background images.

At this red hot moment it is only running for PC IE users. So nobody else sees the counters on the right side. As I use Mac IE at home I will fix this when I get home. Oh and I’ll fix it for NN6 too.