
[imaginary conversation] "So do you

[imaginary conversation]

“So do you want the job?”

Yhea I want cheezy poofs.

I was sitting at the Whataburger contemplating the signage. (Apparently the government of the state of Texas has seen fit to declare Whataburger a Texas Treasure.) I was listening to some postal workers lament their jobs, and another guy talking about how hard architecture is and how much school he has to go to to keep on top of it. I had been cutting and pasting the conversations together in my head hoping for an amusing anecdote about mail delivery and architecture. Then my phone rang and I answered it.

It was Chris from SBC. He was calling to talk to me about the job I had interviewed for back in August. The position had been frozen a long time ago and I had pretty much forgotten about it. It’s a web app developer position using Vignette. As I always get when I’m excited on the phone I started pacing. What made it more amusing is that I was pacing around the Whataburger talking on my cell phone. I refilled my Dr. Pepper and got more napkins as Chris went over what SBC was offering me and what I had to do to accept the job.

I start 10/22 if I can find a printer to print the applications and fill them out.