
It seems like my luck

It seems like my luck hasn’t run out just yet. I have been without health insurance since March 1st. This past friday I had an unexpected laparoscopic cholecystectomy

(They yanked my gall bladder out). Around 3am on friday morning I drove to the emergency room because some abdominal pains that I’d been living with for about the past two weeks became unbearable. Once they figured out it was gall stones they checked me in, and put me in the operating room right away. I woke up in recovery and then was moved to my hospital bed. As the hours ticked on by while I sat in the bed recovering I was antsy to get out of the hospital because the meter was running.

When I got home I immediately checked my COBRA information from Cingular. Sure enough, I still have a week left to claim COBRA benefits. Once applied for they apply retroactively from the end of your previous coverage forward. So with a little bit of luck my surgery is now covered by insurance. I’m glad my gall bladder chose this past friday to flare up otherwise I’d be an indentured servant to the hospital.

I’m also really lucky that so many people checked up on me. I was shocked to hear that Thon and Alana had driven up from Austin. I had calls or visits from Jeremy

, Karen

, Josh

, Josh

and Carly, Chris

, Andy

, Julie

, Dave

, and the wonderful Leia

. I think I recovered too quickly. I should have languished in bed for a couple more days and given a better show.