
It's all about telling stories

I think I’ve fallen under the sway of Philip Pullman after reading about him for years in Kiad’s journal. I was swayed by a discussion on plastic about Pullman’s “His Dark Materials” series. The discussion was sadly lacking except it pointed me to this great discussion between him and the Archbishop of Canterbury. Their discussion has a nice exchange towards the end with the Archbishop talking about the Christian religion as a great story:

Yes, I think there’s a lot of truth in that, that you can’t communicate Christianity simply as a set of ideas. At some point you’re going to have to sit down and tell a story. And tell a story which, because it’s a story, is bound to have some loose ends, some awkwardnesses.Picked up book one of the series today and I hope this pulls me out of my non-fiction phase. Considering the series was named the third most loved behind LOTR and Pride and Prejudice in a BBC poll surely it won’t suck. Listening: This Fire - Franz Ferdinand