
I've been caught up in

I’ve been caught up in social obligations and house/apartment hunting. I’ve been caught in up analyzing my relationship with Leia. I’ve been trying to figure out how to get back on track financially. I’ve been a grumpy prick for the past week. I feel pulled apart by all these social groups. Then there is work. As I learn more about the processes they have here at Cingular I approach loathing for the company. The formal requirements they’ve written for this thing I’m working on are asinine. I guess I’m not the sort of person that is made to work at a large corporation. I wish I was smarter, more inventive or creatively inclined because then I’d figure out a way to get out of this mess.

I just want a personal space where I can keep my stuff. I want a work space that I share with other professionals who push themselves. I want to work on projects with those other professionals that I can take pride in. I want our clients to be thoughtful and passionate about what they are doing. I want to make enough money to travel and buy a few CDs and DVDs. I want to see Emily regularly. I want to speak my mind more. I want to get away from being concerned about what others think. Are these unreasonable desires?

I went to Huntsville a week ago. I got to see Christina and Katrina and gloat to myself on the inside that they would have been better off with me. (What a righteous prick) I was even surprised on Thanksgiving to get a call from Ryan. She must be so happy she finally gets to talk to trees and it’s for school now. I did pick up a couple speeding tickets on the way back though. This friday is the arraignment for my Sulphur Springs ticket. It’s about an hour and a half away and that means at least three hours of work I would have to miss to plead not-guilty. Why is the law so inaccessible at times? I wish I could submit my plea in writing.

“And you may tell yourself, this is not my beautiful house And you may tell yourself, this is not my beautiful wife”