
I've been looking through old

I’ve been looking through old emails trying to find some quotes on bandwidth and server rack space. While poking about I found this thing that I sent over the summer. What happened to me? Why don’t I think like this anymore?

“While I was camping I started thinking about things that happen in August. Now keep in mind I was sort of in a fantasy frame of mind. My sister has a birthday in August and my father’s birthday was in August. His birthday was August 3rd to be more precise. Then I started wondering what happens to people’s birthdays when they die. Does it stop being their birthday? Birthdays do have some sort of magic in them I just don’t know if it stays there when the person dies. Then that got me to thinking about what would happen if you lost your birthday while you were still alive. Would you stop aging? If someone stole your birthday would they age faster? Would their personality change as they absorbed the astrological significance from your birthday? Would you be free to be someone completely different if you didn’t have a specific birthday to help define you? Could you go on a quest to find a new birthday? Would the quest have to finish before your old birthday because something bad might happen if you reached your old birthday without a new birthday to celebrate? Who or what dispenses new birthdays to people? I’d never really thought about these things before and they have been on my mind ever since. I was wondering if you had any answers.”

It might be silly and frivolous to have thought about those things, but it sprung from a mind and a time that I miss. Has the change been brought about by Fall? The temperature? The job?