
I've been really busy at

I’ve been really busy at the computer. I redid the links section so that it’s now drawn out of an XML file instead of just being static HTML file. The reason for that is I’m building a blogchecker which will flag links that have been updated. The blogchecker reads in the list of links, checks the ones that I’ve flagged for checking and then notes in that XML file whether they’ve been updated. Then when you visit the site the link will be rendered differently depending on how recently it’s been updated. To be more specific, it will do this when I’m finished with it.

I also found that someone else has already started on a perl based Blogger-to-Livejournal gateway. So thank goodness I don’t have to write that so it should now be even easier to get that setup.

After that I’m building my own content entry screens to post blogs so that I don’t have to use Blogger’s stuff any more. IE 5.1 PE on OS X kinda barfs on Blogger’s forms.

A few people have asked about getting Generator up and running. I wish I could find the time to set that up. I can just imagine the k-rad Flash c0nt3nt my friends could make with that.