
I've begun building a comment

I’ve begun building a comment system using XML/XSLT and either Java servlets or php for form processing. I’ve decided that when you add threaded message support it changes from a comment system to a discussion system. So I’m happy to just have a linear list of comments. I had better get this done because Dave is almost ready to hand me a lot more work to do as I break down this massive Dreamweaver HTML code he has into XSLT. I’m hoping it only takes me about four hours or so to get this comment thing setup.

I talked to Ryan today. I talked to Ryan for three hours today. I think it went well. It did go well. Even though I’ve known all along that we would be friends beyond this summer I think she’s finally come to believe it. I was surprised by all the anger and resentment she carried towards Christina. I think that Christina struggles to understand what is right and makes bad choices, but I don’t hate her for it. I’ve just accepted the fact that in the spirit of self-preservation I’m not going to be around her to suffer the consequences with her. I had wondered for a little bit if my leaving Christina behind was me just running away from someone when they needed help. It’s clear to me now that Christina doesn’t need my help. She must be living the way she wants to live. If she was truly concerned about her behavior then she’d do something to change it, she’s not. That’s cool.