Javascript Genocide
I hate livejournal’s genocidal tendencies towards javascript. I made a fun little entry with a cute little photo album embedded in it. That didn’t work. So I got really clever and came up with ways around using tags in my entry. Then I discovered that lj strips out event attributes as well. Now the entry will never be posted on livejournal, and I’ve got to start over reformatting it for gnumatt if I even decide it’s worth the effort.
Fuck You LJ
This isn’t the first time lj has done this to me. I get tired of everything looking exactly the same. I don’t post the same entries over and over. Why should they look exactly the same? It makes sense to me that I’d want the entry to emphasize the parts I want emphasized and to use the techniques I deem appropriate to tell my story. Well lj fascists here’s what I think of your javascript genocide.

Listening: Universes Conclusion - Microphones