
Kathy was in another dream

Kathy was in another dream last night. We were sitting in a grassy field during the day. It was particularly odd because I was wearing blue pants and not jeans. I don’t remember looking at Kathy but I can remember every detail about the hem of the pants and each individual blade of grass around my shoes and pants. People were walking by us in both directions. In the dream we weren’t dating but I felt very strongly that I wanted to be with her. However, I stood up and thought “I want to be with someone else” and told her “It can’t work out.” Then I walked off.

I wish Leia wasn’t caught up in the maelstrom that is my emotional state. I turn so cold sometimes. I just stand there, my emotional reponse Saran wrapped inside. Absent those emotions my body clumsily plods through whatever is in its way. This dream is good though, I think this dream bodes well for Leia and I.

That is if dreams mean more than a load of horse-puckey anyway.