
Last night I met Leia,

Last night I met Leia, Amanda, Karen and Dave at an impromptu DFWblogger hoedown at the T.G.I Fridays in the Arlington Ballpark. I wonder if blogpeople are just better people because I found myself immediately at ease. Over the summer I met lots of new people back in Huntsville. I was not comfortable around them. I had little desire to see them again. They didn’t blog. (Although, back then neither did I.)

After we ate we went outside to sit in the stands of the stadium. We lit candles to stand in solidarity with the rest of the nation, if not the world. I’ve got to give props to Leia for having the forethought to bring candles for everyone. Even though we were out there because of the terrorist attacks the attacks became background noise to me. I was caught up in the camraderie of the moment. In a way I felt like I had found people like me. They seem free from affectation. They are sincere. They seem to have a more developed ontology than most people I meet. They are curious and playful. They made all the chaos and destruction go away, for at least a little while.