
Leia and I saw CQ

Leia and I saw CQ last night at the Magnolia. It was part of a Fable series that L.M. Kit Carson put together. He opened the screening talking about his first movie David Holzmann’s Diary. He spoke about how diaries were the pre-cursor to the novel. Novels like Robinson Crusoe grew out of someone keeping a diary. Keeping a diary is how people learn to tell a story.

I wonder if he has any idea what people are doing with weblogs.

They are showing CQ again tonight with the director, Roman Coppola, doing a Q&A afterwards. I think it’s at the University of Dallas art building though. I’ll be in Austin. The movie is not what I expected. It is packed with camera/scene quotes from other movies. I’m going to have re-watch a lot of European movies from the 60s to catch up. I was amused to see that Roman and Sofia Coppola both used French bands to compose their films. Roman used Mellow and Sofia used Air.