
Let he who is Dismemberment Plan cast the first rock 'n' roll

As the great philosopher Kant once said: “Your life will be impoverished if you never see Dismemberment Plan perform live.”

Holy shit Dismemberment Plan did it again. They made me have a damned good time. They are definitely among the upper echelon of performing artists. They play audience requests, they invite the audience to dance on stage with them during certain songs, they have a light-hearted but quick wit. That would be enough, but to top it off they play some bad ass songs.

Sadly this is only the second time I’ve seen them in the past year. Also when I saw them at the Ridglea the venue security made everyone get off the stage during dance with the plan. Tonight at Trees people had to climb up four feet to get to the stage but were rewarded because they got to dance on the stage.

Highlights: Playing “The Dismemberment Plan Gets Rich” after I screamed it out and dancing my ass off to “The Ice of Boston.”

Chomsky and Little Grizzly (local Denton, TX band) opened for them. Originally it was going to be Jets to Brazil but they bailed a couple weeks before the show for some reason.