
Living the e-lifestyle Get on

Living the e-lifestyle Get on the Dallas Tollway at Spring Valley. The green light comes on telling me I’m good to go and that they’ve dinged my tolltag for more money. The amber light comes on reminding me that they need a new credit card number so they can debit more money from me.

*Heading south on the tollway.*I look at the tolltag and call the phone number and explain to the operator that I need to give them a new credit card number. She asks for my Texas driver’s license number. Oh crap, I don’t have one since I had to surrender it in Alabama this summer. I tell her I’ll figure something out and call her back.

Heading past the exit for Royal Lane and closing in on my exit, Mockingbird. I dig into my blue bag for a copy of the Mississippi speeding ticket I have with my old Texas driver’s license number on it. I call them back and I get a new lady this time. I give her the Texas driver’s license number on the ticket and she knows. She knows that I have had an out-of-state driver’s license in the past. I neglect to inform her that I still have that out-of-state driver’s license and let her assume I switched back to Texas when I moved. She says she’ll “fix” the problem and update my information. I give her the new credit card number and it’s in the system.

Mockingbird exit. No amber light, only green. Transaction completed without ever leaving my car while heading south at 75 mph.