

I was over at Dave’s place this morning and Julie was cooking something. In no time at all she accidentally set a dish towel on fire. They must be coated in something because it smelled really bad and sort of melted. Dave tossed it outside, doused the flame with water and then the Jehovah’s Witnesses walked up.

Not too much later I was taking Julie to work. I was stopped at an intersection waiting for the light to turn. The light turned and I watched the car to my right drive on, then I heard a loud pop. A grandma in her lincoln towncar came in from my left. She had been rear-ended and her car was forced into the intersection. Her car passed in front of mine and she almost hit the car to my right as it went through the intersection. She had to back up before I could go through the intersection.

I doubt I would have been really hurt. It would have broken the left side of my car though. Why did I just sit there that time? I’m always the first one through an intersection when the light turns. Why didn’t the fire catch anything else? I feel so lucky most of the time, like it’s my super-power. I even trust it when everything seems bleak. I think some people have the same thing but they call it faith, or God’s will.

If that’s what it is, and God just intervenes at apparently random times, then what’s the point of worship or organized religion? It will happen when it happens according to His plan. If God is omniscient then the past, present and future are already mapped out, right? He’s just a crooked card dealer who has stacked the deck and you take what you get, when you get it. Sounds like the kind of game one should walk away from.

Just thinking out loud.