
Love train derails in DFW, feelings scattered everywhere

I just wanted to say that snarkfests happen with blogger users too.

Witness a recent visit by Richard to the DFW area to visit Julie. As you read the links below you’ll want to view source as all the snarking is below the HTML surface so to speak.

It all starts with Richard stealthily commenting on his frustrations with Julie. (Skip down to the 6/8/2002 entries). This was a bad idea as it ballooned out of control.

It started off with Julie’s thanks to her DFW friends. Julie fired off another hidden missive later.

Dave weighed in with a Jack story. Unusual in that everything he wants to say is all laid out on top, no hidden comments.

Leia of course defended the fair Julie. (Her best friend, and they share a brain)

Not to be outdone Karen got a little dig in.

I look at this and I see a couple of young folks (Richard’s 20, Julie’s 23 going on 24 this week) who weren’t up front with each other about what they wanted. Julie knew before Richard arrived that his expectations for their meeting were different from hers. As far as I know she didn’t say anything to him before he arrived to make sure he wasn’t confused. Richard failed miserably to adapt to the new environment once he had arrived. It didn’t help that Julie didn’t deliver a clear, direct speech explaining things till close to the end of his visit. However, she laid out enough subtext to build the US interstate system.

Nobody’s happy when you live your real life inside tags.