
Mr. Midboe's wild ride

Heading west on I-20 towards Dallas I get to Louisiana and the rain starts up. Then about 20 miles east of Monroe it really starts up. I’m talking wrath of God type rain so I put some distance between me and the other cars and start moving towards the right lane while I slow down.

As soon as my right tires hit the seam between the lanes they hit the puddles of water that have formed in the uneven blacktop and my car leaves the road. The backside of my car picks up and my car begins a slow counter-clockwise rotation. I try and regain control of the steering wheel and then the car loses it. I can’t see anything because of the spinning and the rain and I bounce off some kind of wall and the car keeps spinning. Thoughts like “Wow, my CD player isn’t skipping” and “I wonder if insurance will cover this” run through my head as I resign myself to spinning down the road.

Eventually the car finds the grassy median and plows into it sending mud up the driver’s side window. My chest really hurts from the seat belt. I turn off the CD player and begin the process of calling police and insurance folks.

It wasn’t really scary, and was kinda fun in an amusement park ride kinda way. But right there at the end it was kinda scary because I realize how lucky I was I didn’t get creamed by another car or an eighteen wheeler.

Total estimated cost in repairs for my wild ride: $4500 Total amount left to pay on my five year loan: $809