
Music is the resurrection and the life

June 24th left Matt a very sad Matt. The car he loved was gone, and the CD/MP3 receiver that had kept him sane through Nevada on the “Loneliest Highway” was homeless. In a daring and moderately bold move he’d snagged the CD player from the wrecked car while it was at the auto salvage place when the insurance adjuster wasn’t looking. Technically it was part of the value of the car. Matt knew he loved it in a way no one else ever would and so theft was okay.

Weeks and months went by with Matt walking, hitching with friends and riding buses and trains. The KDC-MP8017 whose sole purpose in life was to play music lay dormant the entire time. Matt’s life had grown quite dim during those same months, as perhaps his purpose was to listen to KDC-MP8017 play music.

Today Matt spent $37 in wiring harnesses for his Honda and KDC-MP8017. (He had stupidly not realized he needed to steal the Kenwood wiring harness too) Then an hour wiring them together and installing the unit. Music came forth and there was much glee as they’d each found their missing piece. Listening: Music in my car