
Okay here's a challenge. I

Okay here’s a challenge. I want a platform that J2SE 1.3.1 runs on but it can’t be Linux or Windows based, and it needs to run on x86 hardware. I’ve tried the Java 2 stuff in the FreeBSD ports collection on FreeBSD 4.3 but I must be missing something because they all have serious problems, however I think I’m just missing a kernel patch. I know that the Java I want is on OS X but that isn’t available for x86. Did I hear you say use Darwin since they have an x86 image now? That was my thought too, but I can’t find Java stuff that runs on x86 Darwin.

If anyone has any clever hints please let me know. Oh and I do have the free Solaris 8 for x86 which is probably the best alternative at the moment.