
Okay, it's driving me crazy.

Okay, it’s driving me crazy. I’ve got to write something even though technically the next blog I had planned was about what home is. I have the pictures picked out that I want to plug into it. Thankfully they will be more like icons than photos so no more big pictures taking up lots of space. I just can’t seem to write the durn thing.

Friday I saw Yume Bitsu and !!! when they opened up for Modest Mouse at the Ridglea Theater. I must lead a charmed life because Dave and Leia made time in their schedules to trek west with me to Fort Worth for the festivities. Yume Bitsu is definitely of the post-rock ilk which suits me just fine as I’ve been inundating myself with post-rock staples such as Mogwai and godspeed you black emperor! for the past year. Unfortunately Modest Mouse still has some work to do on their live performances, they sound better in the studio. Not surprisingly they played completely different versions of some of their Moon & Antarctica songs because the studio effects were not reproducible live. (However, Radiohead had studio intensive albums and they still put on a rocking show.) I’m hoping my Built to Spill experience on the 30th captures the brilliance of their live album.

That Leia chick is an enigma. She continues to evade any convenient labels or stereotypes. She has this great economy of words in her speech so nothing is wasted. She’s smart. She’s funny. She’s pretty. I think even Holden Caulfield would have to say “She’s no phoney.” I bet she’s been a heartbreaker over the years. Secret fact I learned about Leia from the blog rumor mill: Russell Crowe is still upset she left him.