
Okay, I've got a blogchecker

Okay, I’ve got a blogchecker that runs through selected web sites in my links list and indicates their freshness. Right now they are all at five bars, but with each 12 hour time span of no updates they lose a bar. When one of those sites loses all it’s bars a random landmark in Los Angeles will be blown up by a bomb I have planted. So keep those blogs updated folks. I’m checking every hour for updates. I don’t have checking turned on for any of my livejournal friends because livejounal is so prone to overload already. I’m sure they don’t need me adding to their already overloaded and unviewable web servers.

I’ve got to give out props on this one to Hymie and Chim Chim. Hymie inadvertently gave me the idea to do this. Chim Chim jumped into the fray and whipped together the bar graphics for me. He even had the bright idea of making the top bar orange on the five bar graph so it would be easier to tell at a glance that it had five bars.