
Plastic has been kicking ass

Plastic has been kicking ass the past couple of weeks. I wish I had more time to read it. I was so impressed with today’s story about how new religious movements/memes are made that I had to log it here. The comments have been quite though provoking and one of the best examples of self-policing I’ve seen in a discussion. (Trolls have been taken care of quite cleanly and efficiently).

This excerpt from a comment is one that I found particularly thought provoking:

Beyond that, it’s faith. And faith can be a good thing. A very good thing. But let’s not pretend that faith in, say, Objectivism, the unshakable and lonely nature of material reality, the dictatorship of the proletariat, the infallibility of the Market, etc… is much different than faith in the Transubstantiation of the Eucharist, for example. Faith is good as long as it doesn’t become rigid and inflexible. Then it becomes idolatry - the worship of dogma. And, as we’ve seen everywhere from the Hundred Years’ War to the Holocaust to the famines in the Ukraine and China, it really didn’t matter name they gave the idol they worshipped - Moloch, the Carthaginian deity who demanded the flesh of children, has many names, and is seemingly as powerful as he ever was, whether he’s being served by good Christians or good atheists.