
Scot Hacker formely the foremost

Scot Hacker formely the foremost BeOS evangelist has chronicled his switch to Mac OS X from BeOS. I felt myself nodding in agreement and saying “Yes that’s exactly right” enough to draw the attention of nearby cube mates. In my pre-OS X days I didn’t really attack Macs but I didn’t like them. Apple got something right with OS X though, and it’s not just that Jordan Hubbard works for Apple now. High profile Be engineers like Maarten Hekkelman have also gone to work for Apple.

So I say to everyone else out there that is still hiding out from OS X. It’s okay. I like Scot’s line that Linux has no feng shui. He hit the nail on the head. FreeBSD has a much nicer cohesion, and therefore OS X does because of its FreeBSD parentage. Is it any surprise that Apple has spawned innovation in the OS market directly with things like OS X and indirectly with things like BeOS. Where is Microsoft’s influence? I don’t get how they could have some of the most talented people in the world and still put out such pedestrian and uninspired software.