
Senator Cornyn and Christian Reconstructionalists

I received a response to the email I sent to Senator Cornyn’s office respectfully asking him to clarify his views on elimination of income tax, institution of slavery, and application of the death penalty for blasphemy, homosexuality, idolatry, heresy, evil sorcery, etc. This email was sent in regards to his visit to an event put together by Christian Reconstructionalists. The prior points being goals of the Christian Reconstructionalist movement that strives to enshrine Old Testament law in a sort of Christian version of the Taliban.

His office responded with boilerplate about the importance of allowing the free exercise of religion and protecting religious freedom. I plan on pressing to see what limits he feels apply to the free exercise of one’s religious beliefs. I wonder if he draws a distinction between the freedom to believe, and the freedom to act.

In general, I’d feel a lot better about some of our Republican leaders if they clarified where they believe those limits are. I imagine he supports limits like the Supreme Court outlawing polygamy in the Mormon church, or not protecting the use of peyote in Native American rituals. It’s probably just fringe Christian groups that enjoy his unequivocal support for the free exercise of religion.