
Spent most of today writing

Spent most of today writing a new comment system. This one is much nicer, and more robust than the last one. It still uses perl but I don’t use any XML cheats. I manipulate the XML files using DOM. I maintain one XML file that keeps meta information on the comment system (i.e. active discussions, number of dicussions, etc.) then I have individual comment files associated with each entry. Also this new comment system stores the comments threaded so it should be a lot easier to see who is responding to who.

I’m using XML::LibXML and perl right now. In some mythical future when I get Cocoon2 installed on my server I’ll convert it over to Java and use XSP tags. It should work pretty well since I tried to stick to the DOM. Although I do use XML::LibXML’s convenient findnodes function.

Hopefully by Sunday night I’ll have the new stylesheets to lay on top of the new comment system and I can launch it then.