
The Good Times

Aside from some really strong allergies in Naples, NY my time there was wonderful. I had good food. Local trout, organic tomatoes, duck eggs, rabbit. All but the trout was grown or raised on Rebecca’s mom’s small farm. Bread made by Rebecca and her folks. I finished one book and started another. I felt like I had all the time in the world.

The strongest feeling was one of contentment and peace whenever Rebecca would hug me, grab my arm or hold my hand. A couple times she gave me a kiss on the cheek or the forehead. I felt loved. I hadn’t felt that way in awhile. I felt like Rebecca and I had found our level. Our relationship was fraught with ups and downs. That weekend was just right. I felt sated. Any loneliness I felt dissolved when we were together.

And so I left remembering what it’s like when you are around someone who cares as you do. Listening: So What-Miles Davis Feeling: nostalgic