
The hunt

After making the decision a few weeks back to stay in Dallas for another year I am now faced with the challenge of finding a new place to live. The place I live now is too expensive. Also Julie, Leia and I have decided to get a place together.

Today we began the search for a new home. After a dud, and a nice but boring place we found something truly great. It’s a two story house near Deep Ellum (sort of the arts district of Dallas, near downtown). We would have the bottom floor. It’s a hundred year old house in the Munger Historic District. In order to maintain the character of the neighborhood they can’t use things like screen windows or siding. An ample porch wraps the front and side of the house, and a nice wooden swing hangs over it. It will be nice to have a back-yard again, especially one that is maintained so well by the owners.

The inside, however, is the very picture of modern convenience. The front room is already wired for four speakers. My room alone has 10 grounded power outlets that were installed when they completely redid the wiring. The appliances are all new within the last year. The hardwoods are a special soft wood with an excellent finish. Julie’s bathroom has a jacuzzi tub and the other bathroom is tastefully decorated with wood accents, and a gorgeous shower encased in etched glass.

All this hinges on my credit being good enough and the guys accepting my application. I really, really, really hope this goes through.