
The latest Netfuture starts off

The latest Netfuture starts off when an amusing quote:

If you set aside Three Mile Island and Chernobyl, the safety record of nuclear [energy] is really very good.-Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill Steve Talbott goes on to point out that we don’t think about these things in terms of the thousands of years they will be with us and offers this analogy: O’Neill might just as well have said of a bullet that has as yet barely cleared the gun’s muzzle: “So far, its safety record looks pretty good”. Later on it goes into a really great piece about insecticides and our short-sighted understanding of their long term problems. The best piece in the newsletter centers on the relationship between this one entomologist and the grasshoppers that his insecticides wipe out in the hundreds of millions.

The Greeks had Cassandra and we have Steve Talbott.

I think it’s time for me to go consume food products from those short-sighted industries. Isn’t it great to live in America where I can learn about all the dangerous things going on around me, and then struggle with my complicity in their nefarious purposes!