
the package

the package: the pack-age ([th]& ‘pa-kij) noun: The creamy, yummy center. The part of a work that goes above and beyond the expectations of the listener/viewer/reader. The package experience manifests itself physically in any number of ways but they all can be described as a moment when, however briefly, the person transcends life as he knows it and glimpses something bigger. <that song really delivers the package.>

I’ve been building a list of songs that deliver the package. The limitations are that it has to fit on one 74 minute audio CD. Here is what I have so far in track order:

  1. the Incredible PWEI vs. The Moral Majority (Pop Will Eat Itself) [Cure for Sanity]
  2. Broken Chairs (Built to Spill) [Built to Spill LIVE]
  3. 22 Going On 23 (Butthole Surfers) [Locust Abortion Technician]
  4. The Box (Parts 1-4) (Orbital) [In Sides]
  5. Both Hands (Ani Difranco) [Living In Clip]
  6. Krautrock (Faust) [Faust IV]
  7. baby’s on fire (Brian Eno) [Here Come the Warm Jets]

I’ve tried to span the decades somewhat and not repeat songs from the same artist. I’m a little worried because some songs like Krautrock might be too technical to really deliver the visceral moment one expects from a package song. Also it’s over 10 minutes long. One glaring oversight just hit me. I don’t have Randy Edelman’s “Fire in a Brooklyn Theatre” from the “Come See the Paradise” soundtrack. Oh man, Trevor Jones and Randy Edelman’s Fort Battle or Elk Hunt from “The Last of the Mohicans” should probably be in there. Okay, anyone have any good ideas on what songs deliver the package?

I’ve tried to span the decades somewhat and not repeat songs from the same artist. I’m a little worried because some songs like Krautrock might be too technical to really deliver the visceral moment one expects from a package song. Also it’s over 10 minutes long. One glaring oversight just hit me. I don’t have Randy Edelman’s “Fire in a Brooklyn Theatre” from the “Come See the Paradise” soundtrack. Oh man, Trevor Jones and Randy Edelman’s Fort Battle or Elk Hunt from “The Last of the Mohicans” should probably be in there. Okay, anyone have any good ideas on what songs deliver the package?